The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One first thing learned about Luna, back with first shiploads of convicts, was that zero pressure was place for good manners. Bad-tempered straw boss didn't last many shifts; had an "accident"—and top bosses learned not to pry into accidents or they met accidents, too. Attrition ran 70 percent in early years—but those who lived were nice people. (2.50)

Mannie explains the pervasiveness of violence in Luna society. The Moon is a violently harsh mistress, and as such, many people die trying to make a living from that barren land. If another is going to need to rely on you for his or her survive, you'd better come packing some good manners. Pleases and thanks yous are mandatory.

Quote #2

"Terror! A man can face known danger. But the unknown frightens him. We disposed of those finks, teeth and toenails, to strike terror into their mates. Nor do I know how many effectives the Warden has, but I guarantee they are less effective today. Their mates went out on an easy mission. Nothing came back." (5.122)

Prof's suggestion here is that violence isn't just necessary for a revolution, it is down right strategic. The Warden's bodyguards will think twice about attacking the next revolution rally—or if they're smart, maybe think three or four times.

Quote #3

Nobody paid attention; they walked around or stepped over—except one woman carrying a baby, who stopped, kicked him carefully in face, then went down ramp. He may have been dead already, didn't wait to see. Understand body stayed there till relief arrived. (9.18)

Dude, these Loonies are cold-blooded. Although from their perspective, violence is an everyday part of Loonie life. But still… dang.