The Quiet American Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's why I came east. Death stays with you." (

There are lots of opportunities to get killed in a warzone. That's why Fowler's come. Or so he says. Do you believe him?

Quote #8

"Who the hell asked you to save my life? I came east to be killed." (

We might ask whether Fowler really longs for death, as he says he does, or whether his anger at being saved has more to do with the physical pain he's in, having injured his leg.

Quote #9

The old women gossiped as they always had done, squatting on the floor outside the urinoir, carrying Fate in the lines of their faces as others on the palm. (

These old ladies must have some pretty impressive wrinkles. To the superstitious, the lines of the palm indicate how long someone will live.