The Reivers Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Why don't you take these boys on back home to bed, if you're all that timid about strangers?" Miss Corrie said.

"Why don't you take them back home yourself?" Boon said. "Your old buddy-buddy there has already told you once you aint got no business here."

"I'll go with him to get the crow-bars," Miss Corrie told Sam. "Will you keep your eyes on the boys?" (7.38-40)

Boon believes that gender roles are quite clear: women take care of the children, and men play with the tools. Except Miss Corrie challenges Boon's sense of what it means to be male, suggesting that he tuck the boys in to bed and she go and get the crowbars.

Quote #5

Because the other half was chivalry: to shield a woman, even a whore from one of the predators who debase police badges by using them as immunity to prey on her helpless kind. (8.66)

As an adult looking back on the situation between Butch and Miss Corrie, Lucius now realizes that Butch used his status as a cop to prey upon women. He recognizes that this was wrong, and he understands why Boon was so angered by the situation.

Quote #6

"A man that never had nothing in it nohow, one of them little badge goes to his head so fast it makes yourn swim too," Ned said. (8.114)

Ned tries to explain to Lucius why Butch thinks he's so important: it's because he thinks that having a badge and a pistol somehow makes him better than everyone else. So for a cop like Butch, it's a badge and a gun provide him with a sense of masculinity.