Lucy Tucci

Character Analysis

Tip's mom, Lucy, seems a little irresponsible. There, we said it. She might tell Tip, "I'm the grown-up, and you're the baby" (2.31), but she's the one who acts like a child most of the time. Let's see: Slamming doors? Check. Running away from an argument? Check. Making excuses? Check. The truth is that Tip was in charge of things around the house long before Lucy is abducted by aliens.

Speaking of being abducted, we can't help but wonder if Lucy's, er, youthful behavior is one of the reasons she's chosen by the Boov in the first place. Sure she speaks two languages, but she's also a little unreliable, which makes people question her tall tales about the abduction. She's just the kind of person whose stories folks don't place too much stock into. To this end, Tip points out how many of Lucy's so-called friends disappear once news of the alien mole gets out. No one's buying it, not even her daughter.

After she reunites with Tip, Lucy seems like a changed woman. She's in charge of organizing meetings, helps officials take notes, and even has a reputation for being the go-to gal if you're in trouble. Tip's mom points this out to her daughter when Tip disobeys her, saying:

"Is this how it's still gonna be? I'm trying a lot harder here, Turtlebear." (3.1242)

Lucy might not be perfect, but she sure tries to improve for her daughter—and kind of admits that she wasn't trying her hardest earlier on. It's clear that being abducted by aliens and separated from her daughter helps Lucy think about what's important in life. And guess what? It's not friends or her man—it's her daughter, Tip.