Language and Communication Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"El Koran?" [Mortenson] said, miming a man of faith paging through a holy book. (13.64)

We're not sure how this would look different than paging through a normal book. How did Mortenson make sure he got a Koran and not, say, The Da Vinci Code?

Quote #8

"Sure," [Mortenson] said. "I played football in col, uh, university," he said, and as he translated from American to British English he realized Khan meant soccer. (13.89)

Who could have guessed that one of the more confusing mistranslations in the book comes from an English to English mistake?

Quote #9

"How can you know what the people need if you don't ask them?" (17.60)

Although Mortenson can speak the language by this point, he hasn't truly learned to communicate with the people he's trying to help. Talking to them isn't enough. He has to ask questions, and he has to listen.