Language and Communication Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The [hymn he sang] was too ingrained for Mortenson to consider the novelty of this moment—an American, lost in Pakistan, singing a German hymn in Swahili. (2.8)

Mortenson is a regular polyglot knowing all these different languages, a skill that will serve him well navigating all the different dialects of rural Pakistan.

Quote #2

"Mr. Gireg, Mr. Gireg," [Mouzafer] shouted, dropping the pack and wrapping Mortenson in a bear hug. (2.16)

We're not sure why the book always reminds us that the Pakistanis have a difficult time saying "Greg," but it does. Often. Why do think this is? How does it affect your reading?

Quote #3

Glacier was gangs-zhing, avalanche rdo-rut. And the Balti had as many names for rock as the Inuit have for snow. (2.30)

The more time you spend around something, the more words you have for it. The Balti know mountains, so they have a huge vocabulary to describe them, just like we have a huge vocabulary for books and trashy reality television.