The Three Musketeers Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

D’Artagnan related to Porthos the substance of his interview with the cardinal, and said, taking the commission from his pocket, "Here, my friend, write your name upon it and become my chief."

Porthos cast his eyes over the commission and returned it to D’Artagnan, to the great astonishment of the young man.

"Yes," said he, "yes, that would flatter me very much; but I should not have time enough to enjoy the distinction. During our expedition to Béthune the husband of my duchess died; so, my dear, the coffer of the defunct holding out its arms to me, I shall marry the widow. Look here! I was trying on my wedding suit. Keep the lieutenancy, my dear, keep it." (67.118 – 67.120)

Since Porthos is well on his way of achieving his great ambition of possessing a lot of money, he is perfectly willing to turn down the lieutenancy.