The Three Musketeers Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I shall probably kill you the fourth," said he to him, holding out his hand to assist him to rise.

"It is much better both for you and for me to stop where we are," answered the wounded man.

"Corbleu--I am more your friend than you think--for after our very first encounter, I could by saying a word to the Cardinal have had your throat cut!"

They this time embraced heartily, and without retaining any malice. (Epilogue.110 – Epilogue.113)

D’Artagnan makes a new friend! Although D’Artagnan had been convinced the man from Meung was his sworn adversary, they actually have a lot in common and would make good friends given the opportunity.