The Three Musketeers Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Would you dare to lift your hand to your queen?" said Anne of Austria, drawing herself up to her full height, and fixing her eyes upon the chancellor with an expression almost threatening.

"I am a faithful subject of the king, madame, and all that his Majesty commands I shall do." (15.77 – 15.78)

King trumps queen.

Quote #5

Anne of Austria, deprived of the confidence of her husband, pursued by the hatred of the cardinal […]Anne of Austria had seen her most devoted servants fall around her, her most intimate confidants, her dearest favorites. Like those unfortunate persons endowed with a fatal gift, she brought misfortune upon everything she touched. Her friendship was a fatal sign which called down persecution. Mme. de Chevreuse and Mme. de Bernet were exiled, and Laporte did not conceal from his mistress that he expected to be arrested every instant. (16.55)

Being friends with Queen Anne is a bad strategy move in the court of King Louis XIII. Further, the Cardinal cuts her off and exacts revenge by removing those loyal to her. Loyalty, then, is a highly prized currency in this world.

Quote #6

"But I have sworn to kill that man!" said D’Artagnan.

"Your life is devoted from this moment, and does not belong to you. In the name of the Queen I forbid you to throw yourself into any peril which is foreign o that of your journey." 80 "And do you command nothing in your own name?"

"In my name," said Mme. Bonacieux, with great emotion, "in my name I beg you! But listen; they appear to be speaking of me." (18.78 – 18.80)

Loyalty to a greater being – whether it be royalty or the love of his life – supersedes D’Artagnan’s individual ambition and desire.