The Three Musketeers Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

With a little more heart, he might have been contented with this new conquest; but the principal features of his character were ambition and pride. (33.110)

This is the ugly underbelly of D’Artagnan’s character. He can’t stand the idea that Milady might love another; he wants to conquer her too. Kitty is only a means to the end of inflating his pride.

Quote #5

D’Artagnan, on his part, had gained the summit of all his wishes. It was no longer a rival who was beloved; it was himself who was apparently beloved. A secret voice whispered to him, at the bottom of his heart, that he was but an instrument of vengeance, that he was only caressed till he had given death; but pride, but self-love, but madness silenced this voice and stifled its murmurs. And then our Gascon, with that large quantity of conceit which we know he possessed, compared himself with De Wardes, and asked himself why, after all, he should not be beloved for himself? (37.8)

D’Artagnan is perfectly aware that Milady is manipulating him, but his pride and conceit make him a perfect victim.

Quote #6

D’Artagnan was so completely bewildered that without taking any heed of what might become of Kitty he ran at full speed across half Paris, and did not stop till he came to Athos’s door. The confusion of his mind, the terror which spurred him on, the cries of some of the patrol who started in pursuit of him, and the hooting of the people who, notwithstanding the early hour, were going to their work, only made him precipitate his course. (38.1)

No one can escape Karma. Satisfying his pride by inducing declarations of love from Milady, hours later he is running through the streets without his own clothes.