The Three Sisters Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Vershinin: The other day I was reading the diary of that French politician, the one who went to prison because of the Panama scandal. (2.111)

Education is a given for people of a certain class. Vershinin's intellectual curiosity is the primary attractor for Masha. And reading memoirs of French politicians just for fun is about as intellectually curious as it gets.

Quote #8

Natasha: Masha dear, why do you always use language like that! You have a very attractive personality, and I'm sure you could make a real nice impression on social occasions, I'll tell you quite frankly, if it weren't for those vulgar words of yours. Je vous pries, pardonnez-moi, Marie, mais vous avez des manieres un peu grossieres. (2.130)

Natasha's all uppity since her marriage to Andrey. As you probably guessed, her French is a joke on her—without her knowledge, of course. She says, "Excuse me, Masha, but your manners are a bit unrefined." Look who's talking, we might add!

Quote #9

Tuzenbach: They've been after me to organize a benefit concert for the people who were burned out. (3.45)

In this culture, nobility carries with it an assumption that they must help the less fortunate. At least that's nicer than dissing them for their lack of fashion sense.