Titanic Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. If you read the original script of Titanic, you'll realize that there were even more storylines and characters initially. Can you tell from the final film that certain threads were meant to be developed further? Are there any aspects of the plot/characters that you would have liked to see fleshed out?
  2. What do you think happens with Rose's mother after she's rescued from the Titanic?
  3. Why doesn't Cameron give us a happy ending for Jack and Rose? There's enough sadness in the film…why not let at least two people be happy? What's the point of that?
  4. Why doesn't Rose just give the Heart of the Ocean to Lovett at the end? He's been looking for it all this time. Why does she just drop it in the ocean?
  5. Do you think Lovett will end up finding the Heart of the Ocean, once Rose has released it back into the sea?