To a Waterfowl Resources


Bryant Bio

Well now, here's a nice and thorough online bio.

Walt Whitman on Bryant's Death

We told you William Cullen Bryant's death was a big deal!

The Bryant Library

These folks are definitely keeping Bryant's legacy alive.

Just in case you find yourself in rural Massachusetts, here's the website for the town where Bryant spent his childhood.

Bryant's Childhood Home

If you have a little extra time on that Massachusetts trip…

Bryant's Academic Side

Here's a link to a collection of Bryant's literary essays, including one about "Trisyllabic Feet in Iambic Measure."


Animated Bryant, Reading "Thanatopsis"

These things are always really cool, if a little creepy.

The News on Bryant

A young man, who appears to be in a high school project, does a mock news report about William Cullen Bryant.


Bearded Bryant

Our friend W.C. Bryant got on the beard bandwagon way before it was cool.

Bryant's Childhood Home

We kind of wished we lived there.

Old W.C.B.

Here's the old, wise, and somewhat sullen-looking William Cullen Bryant.


Bryant's Literary Biography

Well, according to this guy, William Cullen Bryant was the author of America. (There's kind of a pun in there. Can you find it?).

Bryant's Poems

Check out this digital version of a collection of Bryant's poems from 1854.