Touching Spirit Bear Garvey Quotes

Garvey > Mr. Matthews

Quote 1

"Scars run deep." Garvey stared intently at Cole's father, who sat unflinching. "I do know this: Cole isn't the only problem here tonight. He is only a symptom of a family and a community that has somehow broken down. If we can't find solutions, we all fail, we all share the guilt, and we all pay a terrible price." (6.15)

Even though Garvey always tells Cole not to wallow in self-pity or blame everyone else for his problems, he wants him to understand that he does see how Cole's father is responsible. He isn't turning a blind eye to the abuse Cole has experienced.

Garvey > Cole Matthews

Quote 2

"We still believe in you and think there's hope," Garvey said. "Because of that, we've stuck our necks out so far, we feel like two giraffes. last night we convinced the Circle to release you to our custody." (15.59)

Even after Cole blows his first chance at being on the island, Edwin and Garvey still believe in him. Everyone else wants him to go straight to jail, but Edwin and Garvey are willing to give him another chance.

Garvey > Cole Matthews

Quote 3

Garvey pointed toward the shore. "Pay me back by not giving up on Peter."

Cole looked out the window and saw that Peter was still sitting on the shore, but the Snickers bar was gone. Cole smiled. "I won't give up on him." (26.47-48)

After everything that's happened between Cole and Peter, it's going to be a long road to making amends and coming to any sort of understanding, especially since Peter refuses to speak to or look at Cole. But Cole is willing to work hard to gain the other kid's forgiveness.