Touching Spirit Bear Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Touching Spirit Bear? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Cole's father want to get custody of him, according to Garvey?

Because he doesn't want to lose to Cole's mom
Because he loves Cole so much
Because he'd be lonely in a home without children
Because he needs someone to water his plants when he's out of town
Q. What does Cole do as soon as Garvey and Edwin leave him alone on his first trip to the island?

He does a spirit dance.
He hunts down Spirit Bear.
He sets his shelter on fire.
He makes an ice cream sundae.
Q. Which one of the following is a way that Peter tries to antagonize Cole when he comes to the island?

Pees on his bed
Paints his totem in neon colors
Throws rocks at him
Destroys his whole stash of Snickers bars
Q. What does Cole think when he sees the dead little birds that have fallen out of their nest?

That he should probably eat them
That he doesn't want to die
That they deserved to die for being so annoying
That he misses his pet parrot, Coconut
Q. How does Cole's father punish him when he's done something wrong?

He makes him sit in the time-out box.
He takes away his dessert.
He makes him go to bed early.
He beats him with a belt.