Choices Quotes in Tuesdays With Morrie

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

For all that was happening to him, his voice was strong and inviting, and his mind was vibrating with a million thoughts. He was intent on proving that the word "dying" was not synonymous with "useless." (2.48)

From the beginning of Morrie's sickness, he makes a choice to live a certain way. Even though he doesn't have a say in what happens to his body, he is determined to invest his mind and heart toward good things and make use of his final time on earth. This probably takes a sizable amount of mind over matter.

Quote #2

"Ted," he said, "when all this started, I asked myself, 'Am I going to withdraw from the world, like most people do, or am I going to live?' I decided I'm going to live—or at least try to live—the way I want, with dignity, with courage, with humor, with composure." (4.33)

Morrie explains his decision to be positive through his suffering. He admits that this wasn't easy and that he found himself at a crossroads where he could have decided one way or the other. He decides that he's going to be happy instead of scared and unhappy.

Quote #3

What had happened to me? The eighties happened. The nineties happened. Death and sickness and getting fat and going bald happened. I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realized I was doing it. (6.13-14)

During his first visit to Morrie's, Mitch is mentally recapping what he's done since he and Morrie last met. He's wondering how he got to where he is, and as he does, it seems as if life has kind of just slipped away. Mostly, he's failed to think through the choices he's been making about his life. Not good.