Tuesdays With Morrie Themes

Tuesdays With Morrie Themes


Decisions, decisions. Morrie's big mantra in Tuesdays with Morrie is that life is about choices. The world is full of people who make good choices and bad ones, and these choices make the world, we...


Tuesdays with Morrie is first and foremost a book about friendship. It teaches us about what true friendship is, the power that a good friend has, and the person you need to be yourself in order to...


Principles are like the quarters in the coin jar of life that you have to dig to find because they're worth more than all the other change. In Tuesdays with Morrie, talk about different principles...


We all know happiness is a little more complicated than Pharrell makes it sound, so luckily for us, it's a topic that's tread upon quite a bit in Tuesdays With Morrie. What makes people happy, how...


What happens when we die? Is there something out there greater than we are? Does a part of us last forever? We don't really get a clear definition of spirituality in Tuesdays with Morrie. Although...

Life / Consciousness & Existence

As Ben Stiller poignantly asks his reflection in the movie Zoolander: "Who am I?" Blue steel aside, existence is a loaded question. What does it mean to exist, to be? This is a little different fro...


Tuesdays with Morrie is not a standard story about education. Why not? Well, it doesn't take place in a classroom with textbooks or grades. And the subject matter isn't math or history or computer...


In Tuesdays with Morrie, the golden rule gets taken a step further: Don't just treat others as you'd treat yourself, but do a little better by them. Mitch and Morrie tag-team this life lesson to sh...