Unwind Chapter 35 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • It seems that it's been a month between Lev running away from Joplin and his appearance at the Graveyard.
  • During that time, he's become street smart and speaks "the language of the lost" (5.35.2).
  • He's up to something, though, and he goes to a secret meeting in a rundown plane.
  • It's run by Cleaver, the Admiral's trusted pilot, and includes a kid with tattoos named Blaine, and Mai, who we met earlier with Connor and Risa in the antique store basement.
  • We're not sure what they're planning, but they say things like "Everyone has to pay" (5.35.37), and "We're chaos. We mess with the world." (5.35.42), so it doesn't sound good.