Unwind Chapter 66 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Part 7: Consciousness


  • Connor regains consciousness, but only half his eyesight.
  • A nurse comes in, excited he's awake.
  • She calls him Mr. Mullard, and Connor corrects her, saying he's Connor Lassiter.
  • Um, no, she says—they found an ID nearby, and it belongs to a nineteen-year-old (and therefore un-unwindable) guard named Elvis Mullard.
  • Connor takes the hint, and the name.
  • The nurse explains that as a guard he qualified for emergency transplants. Looks like being a guard at a child-murdering facility gets good healthcare benefits. Duly noted.
  • Connor realizes he has a new arm…an arm with the tattoo of a tiger shark. Well, at least Roland's arm is being put to good use.