Watchmen Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter in Roman Numerals.Page #.Panel #) or if the excerpt is from an interstitial section, then: (Chapter A-K.Page #)

Quote #4

“Sometimes I look at myself and think, ‘how did everything get so tangled up?’ “ (III.10.2).

It’s never a bad idea to pay attention when mirrors pop up, especially in a graphic novel.

Quote #5

Only Hooded Justice refused to testify, on the grounds that he was not prepared to reveal his true identity (Chapter C.11-12).

Rolf Müller or Hooded Justice, neither identity can exist without the other.

Quote #6

They explain that the name has been chosen for the ominous associations it will raise in America’s enemies. They’re shaping me into something gaudy and lethal (IV.12.8).

Even the zero-personality Dr. Manhattan has a logo, so his “brand” can be popularized.