Watchmen Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter in Roman Numerals.Page #.Panel #) or if the excerpt is from an interstitial section, then: (Chapter A-K.Page #)

Quote #7

“Rorschach’s an unhealthy fantasy personality. Y’know, he wouldn’t answer to anything else during his bail hearing?” (VI.8.3).

Hmm, a hero with a Rorschach test for a face, and he has identity issues? No surprise there.

Quote #8

“It must be great for you, having a secret identity, a secret place nobody knows about” (VII.10.8).

Nite Owl may have a “secret” workshop, but Rorschach has a “secret” journal. Which is more useful in the end?

Quote #9

Firstly, figurines based upon Rorschach and Nite Owl seem to be viable […] Our lawyers seem to think that since the costumed identities themselves are outlawed and illegal, there can be no legal claim to copyright […]” (Chapter J.1).

Toy licensing, that’s where the money is. How come Veidt can capitalize on Nite Owl and Rorschach’s identities? Who owns them?