Where Things Come Back Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Lucas Cader walked over and grabbed the shovel, looked up at me, and said, "Go sit in the truck." I did, and Mena Prescott went with me. My mother sat on the hood of the truck, watching as they began to dig into the dead earth. (13.5) 

What a selfless friend. Lucas is totally aware that finding Gabriel's dead body would kill Cullen, so he takes the digging duties on. That's quite a big thing to do, especially because finding his dead friend would be devastating. 

Quote #5

Ada's suggestion, that Lucas was saving me once again, made me wonder what I had ever done for him. I couldn't remember a single time when I helped him out by giving him a ride somewhere or by defending him from some ass-hat punk or by consoling him over the loss of his cousin or the disappearance of his brother. (13.22)

It's kind of a bad girlfriend move to point out that your boyfriend is a bad friend and that he doesn't deserve the treatment that he gets from his best friend, right? Ada totally puts it in Cullen's head that Lucas is way too good for him. 

Quote #6

"So you're my friend just because you're my friend?" I laughed.

"That's right. I just am. It's the simplest thing in the world." (13.31-32) 

There's no logical reason for why you're friends with someone, or why you love them. When Cullen asks Lucas to explain the reason for their friendship, what does he expect to hear?