Where Things Come Back Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Are you happy?" I asked her.

"I was." Her face turned pale. Her eyes lost life. Her tone changed to that of a girl trying not to start crying.

It was at that point that I had to, contrary to my normal behavior, hug my brother's best friend. (13.77-79) 

What a ridiculous thing to ask—even Cullen must know that Libby can't be happy if her best friend in the whole wide world is missing and presumed dead. There's no way she can go about her day as normal when that's the reality. 

Quote #8

Lucas Cader came back three days after I'd asked him to leave. He hadn't run in the relay, and the left side of his jaw was purple and swollen. He sat down beside me on the couch, nodded hello to my dad in the recliner beside him, and stared at the TV. (17.100) 

Aw, even after they've had a tiff, Lucas comes back to make things right with Cullen. No matter how much they might yell and scream at each other, those two boys love each other (almost) like brothers. 

Quote #9

"Why'd you do it?"

"To show you I haven't forgotten what's important, I guess," he mumbled. (17.115-116) 

A good friend will go ahead and punch John Barling in the face for you just because you don't like the guy and his quest to find an extinct woodpecker. Cullen doesn't even have to ask Lucas to do it—he just runs out and socks the guy in the face.