University of North Carolina--Asheville

Hallmarks and Quirks

Things I'm Good At:

  • Music production. I have a state-of-the-art studio that records students' bands for free. My Music Technology program was started by Robert Moog and gives students access to a bunch of sweet electronic instruments, ranging from vintage synthesizers to tablet apps.
  • Writing. My literature department has some seriously accomplished faculty on board, featuring renowned poets David Hopes and Richard Chess, as well as novelist Katherine Min.
  • Natural beauty. Seriously, I can't stress this enough. The scenery up here is jaw-dropping.
  • Outdoorsy activities. There are a ton of hiking, rafting, and camping clubs, both official and unofficial. Throw a rock, and you'll likely hit someone who's returning from or leaving to go on a hike. (That's probably not a good idea, though.)

My Top 5 Must-Haves:

  1. Hiking boots. Not only am I situated on a hill with lots of cool trails (and a frisbee golf course), I'm literally surrounded by mountains. You're gonna want to go hiking really, really often.
  2. Camping gear. If the weather's nice, pile into a friend's car and head to the Pisgah National Forest. You can camp almost anywhere.
  3. An open calendar. I host a bajillion awesome events on campus year-round, like readings by famous authors, lectures given by civil rights and spiritual leaders, concerts from world-class symphonies, and group mindfulness exercises. There's something to do almost every night of the week.
  4. An eagle eye for parking. One of the drawbacks of having a small campus is that parking is super limited, so you've got to be on your toes when searching for a spot.
  5. Friends to come visit. Did I mention that I'm up in the mountains?

Why You Might Have Heard of Me:

  • Robert Moog, inventor of the Moog Synthesizer and Moog Theremin, taught here for many years…even though no one ever pronounced his name correctly (FYI: it's "moag," not "moooooog").
  • I'm right next-door to the absolutely stunning Blue Ridge Parkway. Seriously. Look at that thing.

On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...

On Saturday nights, there are usually a ton of cool things happening downtown, whether it's a show at the Orange Peel, a new restaurant opening, or a festival in the park. Some students take the three-hour drive down to Atlanta for a bit of big-city fun, but most usually hang around Asheville and keep it chill.

Those who can't get enough of the outdoors may brave the hills for a bike ride down to the River Arts District, while stopping by White Duck Taco Shop for a quick (quack?) bite before sampling a local brew from the Wedge.

Favorite Hangouts:

  • Urban Burrito in North Asheville is a short walk from campus and has burritos the size of your forearm: perfect for the student budget.
  • If it's your first year here, you'll probably hang out at the Grotto and munch on pizza and burgers (or one of the many delicious vegan options) while watching a concert put on by Underdog Productions.
  • The French Broad Chocolate Lounge is unreal. It's exactly what it sounds like. Go indulge in some delectable desserts.
  • Did I mention the mountains? They're all around. Go be on one of them.


  • The administrative offices can be kind of hard to find. The campus is small, but because it's nestled into a hill, there are lots of little nooks and crannies where administrators have hidden their desks. Getting to know where to go can be a little tricky at first, but trust that you will not be alone.
  • You will unwittingly go to a party on the quad. No, seriously: My students love to throw parties in the quad. There's the Turning of the Maples celebration in the fall where cider, hot chocolate, and cookies are served when the maple leaves turn bright red for a couple of days. There's a party for serving lemonade in the summer, there's a party on the first day of classes, there's a senior class party…you get the picture. They're fun and they have free food and you'll probably even get to pet Rocky.

Famous Alumni:

  • Sarah Addison Allen, a New York Times bestselling author
  • Wiley Cash, another New York Times bestselling author
  • Ty Wiggington, a Major League Baseball player
  • Jason Faunt, the actor who played the Red Ranger in Power Rangers Time Force