20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Hunting and its associated sports have been around a long, long time. In fact, these things used to be an everyday part of life if you wanted to eat or have a warm coat. An informal, non-scientific survey assures us most people like to eat, so it's a safe bet that hunting will be around for a while.

The state laws that govern hunting aren't just about the safety of humans, they're also for the conservation of species and the good of the environment. Hunting animals that tend to over-populate makes the herd stronger and keeps disease from wiping them out. 

Large populations of animals living in a small area need to be managed in some way; for wild herds, like deer, moose, and wild turkeys, hunting is the best way to manage and protect them.

We need wildlife management experts to help set the appropriate limits and monitor populations so that nobody over- or under-hunts and upsets the delicate balance of nature. Then we need hunters to go put the plans in motion. Someday we may have other ways to manage wildlife, but it's not likely to change anytime in the next twenty years.