Physical Danger

Physical Danger

There's a fair amount of danger to working as a hunter/trapper. You need to understand the risks, get the training to handle guns and other hunting equipment, and keep your shots up to date so you don't catch something icky when you're catching an animal.

Obviously, there's a danger of getting shot out in the woods if someone else thinks you're a deer. Make sure you don't dress even remotely like a deer. Risk of being shot aside, it would be embarrassing for the both of you. Fortunately, most hunters are well-trained, and there are very few shooting accidents compared to the number of hunters. But wear that stylin' orange vest anyways, 'kay?

Other dangers, like getting lost in the woods or getting hypothermia, can be minimized by learning survival skills and being prepared. A little bit of common sense goes a long way when you're out in the woods, alone, before dawn, in January.