Bell Curve

Bell Curve


It's the second week of your fieldwork assignment, and you just made OT history. But not in a good way. To quote your supervisor, "How exactly did you manage to put a foot brace on backwards?" Your patient ended up less able to move than when she came in....


Okay, the "how" of your new patient's situation is pretty obvious. (Shark bite to the ankle.) But Mac Duderino is an island unto himself, and you can't help him get back to professional surfing until he opens up! Too bad truth serum is considered unethical....


Today you showed Mr. Rinkley how to shower safely after a stroke affected his balance. Everything went well, but it would have been nice if he had worn a swimsuit.


Working with disabled teens is really rewarding, especially when you get to take them out into real world situations they'll experience in the future. You just returned from a field trip to a grocery store, where your students had to communicate with the store clerk and stick to a spending budget. (Umm, 10 bags of chips might be overkill, Donny.)


When you first met Helen, she had all but given up on life after losing her legs in a car accident. Years later, she is a completely different person. You just received an invitation to attend her wedding...and there WILL be a dance floor.