20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

We know you've heard that atheism is on the rise...that people are moral-less, nothing matters to them, and that it's only getting worse. The Internet came along and everyone on Twitter is a blasphemous jerk who says, "God isn't real." It seems like the need for religious leaders is rapidly declining.

Good luck with that hard labor and everything...I'm gonna go be a priest. (Source)

But—and we know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but bear with us—it isn't true in the United States. There are many Catholics in the U.S. and actually a shortage of priests (source). The numbers climb and climb as more people become Catholic, and the priests can't keep up. We need more priests. Despite all of those "The demise of the Catholic Church" articles that you see everywhere, things are actually looking more optimistic for priests than the average American job.

The trends may eventually change...but priests aren't likely to go anywhere in the next twenty years.