American Born Chinese Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4


Before Wei-Chen, there was Peter, the "friend" who basically used Jin as his personal punching bag. We see Peter as kind of a cautionary tale: even if you're lonely, you shouldn't just become friends with just anyone. Peter is definitely not solid friend material.

Quote #5


This is the part when Wei-Chen manages to befriend Jin, despite Jin's best attempts to ignore the new Asian kid. How does Wei-Chen do it? With a transforming robot-monkey. Ah, the power of toys.

Quote #6


Wei-Chen teases Jin about his crush on Amelia, and in response Jin tells Wei-Chen to stop being an "F.O.B." Hrm… that seems a little harsh to us, but Wei-Chen agrees with him. Is Jin really doing Wei-Chen a favor by telling him that he's being an "F.O.B.", or is Jin just being a jerk?