American Born Chinese Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

[8.70-8.78; 8.92-8.96]

If these panels make you think Greg is a jerk, you're not alone. Greg tells Jin to back off of Amelia, but he does it in this faux-friendly way. We know he's really just faking his niceness because what he's asking Jin to do is the pits. Moreover, once Jin does exactly what Greg asks him to do—ignore Amelia—he talks smack behind Jin's back and calls him a geek. Do you think Greg secretly has a thing for Amelia? Does it matter?

Quote #5


We finally figure out in this section why Danny is white even though his cousin Chin-Kee is Chinese. Danny is actually Jin. So in other words, the author reveals to us that—up until this point—the book was lying to us. Why is this lie okay and other lies are not? Is story-telling fundamentally a big lie?

Quote #6


This is the part when Chin-Kee becomes the Monkey King and gets Danny to transform back into Jin. We're just wondering: why is it necessary for the Monkey King to front as Chin-Kee first in order to guide Danny back to his true self?