American Pastoral Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The worst of the world has taken his child. If only that beautifully chiseled body had never been born. (3.217)

In this awful moment, the Swede's wishing that Merry had never been born seems to have much more to do with her being raped than with her killing people

Quote #8

"Christ, you even gave him a mistress. Perfectly misjudged, Zuck. Absolutely off." (3.79)

This is what Zuckerman imagines Jerry will say if Zuckerman sends him the book about the Swede. Nice way to discreetly foreshadow the revelation of the Swede's affair with Sheila?

Quote #9

"Black or brown, honey." (4.41)

That's the Swede, about to make Rita Cohen a pair of Newark Maid gloves, before he knows she's psychopathic. He's calling her honey because she somehow reminds him of Merry, and life feels the way it was before the bomb.