American Pastoral Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The stupendousness of the rape blotted out everything. (6.216)

Even though the Swede didn't see Merry raped, the fresh memory of her description of it, combined with his own imagining, creates a memory that he probably won't be able to forget for the rest of his life.

Quote #8

What she did not tell him about was Merry in her house—after the bombing, Merry hiding in her house. (8.64)

This is one of the secrets from the not-so-distant past that comes out when the Swede meets Merry. It definitely colors the memory of his affair with Sheila, which must have started almost right after she hid Merry. It also makes his memories of not knowing where Merry was even more frustrating. He thinks it would have made a difference if Sheila had called him, but he isn't sure how.

Quote #9

On the desk their used to be a snapshot of Merry, age thirteen. (9.29)

Dawn appears to be doing everything in her power to erase her memories of Merry. Some readers think this is selfish and cold; others agree with the Swede and think she's doing it to save her life. What do you think?