American Pastoral Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm not going to spend my whole life wrestling with a stutter when kids are b-b-being […] roasted alive by Lyndon B-b-b-bains b-b-b-bu-burn-'em up Johnson!" (3.140)

Much of the Vietnam War is televised. The war is in Merry's living room as far as she's concerned.

Quote #5

"Start in your hometown, Merry. That's the way to end the war." (3.155)

Merry takes her father's advice… but we don't think bombing the post office was quite what he had in mind. He wanted her to start a letter-writing campaign in reaction to the Vietnam War.

Quote #6

"Today we attacked the Pentagon, the center of the American military command. We are reacting at a time when growing U.S. air and naval shelling are being carried out against the Vietnamese." (4.165)

This alludes to a real event in 1972, the year before Merry comes back, the bombing of the Pentagon by the Weather Underground. Is this similar to or different from what Merry does?