Anne of Green Gables Chapter 13 Summary

The Delights of Anticipation

  • Late for her sewing, Anne runs into the house one afternoon to tell Marilla about an upcoming Sunday school picnic. Anne describes the picnic like it's going to be the best party in the world. Oh, and there's going to be ice cream there, which Anne's never had before.
  • Marilla agrees to let her go and promises to bake her a basket. Anne's so grateful she kisses her. Marilla's freaked out by how much she likes being kissed and makes Anne do her patchwork.
  • Anne sits down with her patchwork and plunges into another speech. Stuff Anne talks about: the playhouse she and Diana have set up between their farms, how she'd love to faint because it seems romantic, how she couldn't bear the disappointment of the picnic being cancelled if there was bad weather.
  • Marilla points out that Anne has talked for ten minutes without stopping.
  • For the next week, Anne's all about the picnic. She tells Marilla she grew cold from excitement when they made an announcement about it in church.
  • Marilla worries that Anne gets too excited about things, and that her life will be full of disappointment. But Anne argues that it's better to have fun looking forward to things than to expect nothing.
  • Marilla wore her amethyst brooch to church, which we're told is her heirloom and most prized possession. Anne loves the brooch too.
  • Uh-oh. We sense something coming.