Anne of Green Gables Chapter 16 Summary

Diana is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results

  • Marilla has a ladies meeting one afternoon, so she tells Anne she can invite Diana over for tea.
  • Anne's really stoked to do this, since hosting a tea seems like a grown-up activity.
  • Marilla tells Anne they can have a bottle of raspberry cordial—which is kept on the second shelf of the pantry—and a cookie each.
  • Diana shows up for tea in her second-best dress and the girls are hilariously polite to each other at first. Eventually they act more like themselves and go out to the orchard to pick apples.
  • When they go inside, Anne looks for the raspberry cordial. It's on a higher pantry shelf than Marilla said.
  • Uh-oh.
  • Anne tells Anne to help herself and goes off to stoke the fire and prepare the tea, chatting at Diana the whole time.
  • Diana's really into the raspberry cordial. She has seconds, and then thirds.
  • When Anne brings out tea, Diana says she doesn't feel well and walks very unsteadily out the door.
  • Can you guess what the cordial really was?
  • The next day, Anne returns from Mrs. Lynde's in tears, telling Marilla that Diana's mom is furious at her because she got Diana drunk.
  • Marilla checks out the pantry and realizes she'd put the cordial somewhere else. Anne had given Diana currant wine by accident.
  • Marilla visits Mrs. Barry to explain, but Mrs. Barry doesn't believe her. Marilla gets mad and calls Diana greedy for having three tumblerfuls of anything. (Which probably didn't help the situation, but props to Marilla for defending Anne.)
  • Anne tried to apologize to Mrs. Barry herself. No dice.
  • Marilla laughs after Anne falls asleep, but then feels bad for Anne and kisses her on the cheek.