Anne of Green Gables Chapter 38 Summary

The Bend in the Road

  • Anne finds Marilla with her head buried in her hands. Marilla has just found out that if she doesn't give up all eye-straining work she'll be blind in six months. She doesn't see the point of not working if she's going to be alone.
  • A few days later, Marilla decides to sell Green Gables.
  • Anne won't let her. She's made a decision of her own: to decline the scholarship. She's taken a teaching position a few towns over, so she can help Marilla. She'll drive to the school each day and board there on weeknights in the winter.
  • Marilla knows she should argue but she's too grateful.
  • A few days later, Mrs. Lynde tells Anne that Gilbert's given up his application for the Avonlea school so Anne can teach there and stay with Marilla.
  • Anne runs into Gilbert while walking home from the graveyard. She thanks Gilbert for the school and admits that she's always regretted not forgiving him. They stay out talking for a half hour.
  • Anne returns to her room in Green Gables. Even though her path has changed, she looks out the window and still sees possibility.