Anne of Green Gables Theme of Religion

You don't have to read far into Anne of Green Gables to get a sense of the role of the church in the town's setting of Avonlea. The answer: a lot.

In a town without a lot to do, its Protestant church is one of the few gathering places. Everyone's a member. But the things this book has to say about organized religion are not always so great. Through Anne, a girl who has a close relationship with God but has never been a member of a church, the author gets to voice lots of opinions about the church from the view of an outsider.

Anne finds a lot of church practices boring and lacking in joy. There's a big gap between the respectful silence of Avonlea citizens and worship that feels real. Through Anne's action and speeches, we see what gratitude really looks like.

Questions About Religion

  1. Explain the narrator's statement that a sense of humor is another name for "a sense of the fitness of things."
  2. Why do you think it bothers Marilla that Anne talks about God as if she knows him and what he likes?
  3. How would Anne have thought of religion by the end of the story if Mr. and Mrs. Allan hadn't come to Avonlea?
  4. What do you think this book has to say about religion and God?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Mr. Bell represents L. M. Montgomery's opinions on what is wrong with the Protestant church.

Marilla's ability to raise Anne is hampered by her strict religious beliefs.