Anne of Green Gables Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does the story spend so much time on Anne's first few weeks at Green Gables, and less time on when she's older?
  2. What characteristics does Anne share with Marilla? With Matthew? Do you think she learned to emulate them because of how she was raised, or are their similarities a happy coincidence?
  3. How would Anne have turned out if Marilla had let Mrs. Blewett take her? Would that life have crushed Anne's imaginative spirit, or would she have changed in a different way?
  4. If Anne grew up today, would she have been happier with how she looked? What would she have pined for, looks- and fashion-wise? What is your society's equivalent of plumpness, dark hair, and puffed sleeves?
  5. What influence do you think Anne had on Diana's life?