Annie John Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For the first two weeks of my condition, my mother and father did not live a regular life. They were up with me at all hours of the night, and my mother was afraid to leave me alone in the day. (7.13)

Family routine is emphasized throughout Annie John. There are certain chores to be done on certain days. It is this routine that Annie begins to dread.

Quote #8

Lying in my bed for the last time, I thought, This is what I add up to. At that I felt as if someone had placed me in a hole and was forcing me first down and then up against the pressure of gravity. I shook myself and prepared to get up. I said to myself, "I am getting up out of this bed for the last time." (8.4)

The last chapter of the novel is full of things being done "for the last time." There is both an ominous and joyful tone every time Annie prepares for her next phase in life.

Quote #9

It was half an hour's walk from our house to the jetty, but I was passing through most of the years of my life. (8.10)

Annie marks these years of her life through the landmarks in her neighborhood. Choir practice, Brownie meetings, and church all represent certain times in her childhood and adolescence.