Annie John Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I don't know why seeing that [barge] struck me so, but suddenly a wave of strong feeling came over me, and my heart swelled with a great gladness as the words "I shall never see this again" spilled out inside me. But then, just as quickly, my heart shriveled up and the words "I shall never see this again" stabbed at me. I don't know what stopped me from falling in a heap at my parents' feet. (8.17)

Annie expresses her conflicted feelings over leaving her parents and the island of Antigua. By the end of the book, we learn that Annie often feels torn between two ideas and desires. She invites us along for rollercoaster ride of emotions when it comes time for her to board the ship and leave her family.

Quote #11

My mother and father—I was leaving them forever. (8.17)

Annie has a particular notion of forever. She wants to leave the world she has known forever. Before she wanted to stay and live with her mother forever… and later she wants to stay with Gwen forever. What's causes these shifts in her thinking? What does "forever" mean to Annie?