Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Four PTS's squeezed into the back seat of the Wheeler car (not the station wagon). Nancy's father told us it was silly to sit like that and besides it made him feel like a hired chauffeur. But all we did was giggle. (14.4)

That's what it's all about, right? Making Dad look silly—no matter where you live.

Quote #8

I went to Christmas Eve services with the Wheelers at the United Methodist Church of Farbrook. I asked Nancy if I had to meet the minister.

"Are you kidding!" she said. "The place will be mobbed. He doesn't even know my name." (15.1-2)

Not all churches are the same, and they come in all different sizes. Do you think Margaret would prefer a church where the minister would know her name? Why?

Quote #9

We have discussed this situation with our minister and dear friend, Revered Baylor. You remember him dear, don't you. My goodness, he christened you when you were a tiny baby. (20.15)

The thing about community is that you can't really force it, though Grandma Hutchins definitely seems to be trying to a bit here with Margaret's mom.