Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Contrasting Regions: NYC vs. Farbrook, NJ Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

We went to Radio City Music Hall. Grandma used to take me there when I was little. My parents always say it's strictly for the tourists. I wanted to sit next to Moose but he and Evan found two seats off by themselves. (17.2)

It seems kind of fun to revisit your old home and do touristy stuff that you'd pretty much never do when you lived there.

Quote #11

When my mother got back from driving them to the bus my father said, "How much do you want to bet it was a trip to New York all the time. They just stopped in to see you because it was convenient." (22.34)

If Margaret's Dad is right, this is harsh to both the Simons and New Jersey. How would you like to just be a convenience stop on the way to the big city? We sure wouldn't.