Clif Clawson

Character Analysis

Cliff Clawson is the class clown of Martin's cohorts (say that five times fast). Clif Clawson is a smart enough guy, but there's absolutely nothing in the world that he takes seriously. Every word he says is infused with sarcasm and exaggeration, as we find out when he says casual things like,

"The benisons of eventide to you, Barney. May your circulation proceed unchecked and particularly the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery, in which connection, comrade, Prof. Dr. Col. Egbert Arrowsmith and I would fain trifle with another bottle of that renowned strawberry pop." (6.4.17)

And this is just what the guy sounds like when he orders a drink.

Clif's antics eventually get him expelled from med school and he runs off to become a wheeler and dealer in various businesses (not all of them legal). When he shows up later in the book, Martin is ashamed to be near him because he's turned into a bit of a goon. But the truth is that Clif has helped Martin out during some difficult times and Martin totally turns a cold shoulder when it's Clif who needs help. The two of them part ways as enemies and never see each other again.