Arrowsmith Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But, except that once he caught the father of the Eugenic Family relieving the strain of being publicly healthy by taking a long, gurgling, ecstatic drink from a flask, Pickerbaugh found nothing wrong in their conduct, till Saturday. (21.3.15)

For a public health fair, Dr. Pickerbaugh hires a group of people called "The Eugenic Family" to help demonstrate how to live healthy lives. Little does he know, though, that these people are total frauds. They're actually a local gang and they love to drink.

Quote #8

Beside his cot there was always a bottle. (35.5.13)

After he loses his wife Leora, Martin Arrowsmith sinks into a crushing depression. His only ally in this difficult time is liquor, and he always makes sure to have a bottle next to his bed. The only way he can sleep, it seems, is if he numbs his brain with booze.

Quote #9

But by night Martin sat alone, tousled, drinking steadily, living on whisky and hate, freeing his soul and dissolving his body by hatred as once hermits dissolved theirs by ecstasy. (35.5.22)

During the days, Martin can still keep himself together and do his duty as a doctor. But each night, he totally lets himself go and never receives any company. With his wife gone, he feels like he has no real reason left to live. The slow fall into death is all he's waiting for, and alcohol helps him along this path.