Arrowsmith Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He could not, after the Harvard mischance and the West Chippewa rebuke, approach the universities or the scientific institutes, and he was too proud to write begging letters to the men who revered him. (12.4.28)

After Max Gottlieb gets fired from Winnemac State University, he's too proud to go begging to other schools for a job. Instead, he just goes to a job placement agency to take whatever he can get.

Quote #5

In his pride of possession this was the most lordly building on earth, and every rock and weed and doorknob was peculiar and lovely. (14.2.38)

Martin's first house isn't anything to write home about. But the fact that it's his house fills him with pride, especially now that he doesn't have to live with his overbearing in-laws.

Quote #6

Martin was slightly cocky, and immediately bounded after a fine new epidemic. (8.1.18)

When Martin strings together a few successes as a doctor, he suddenly thinks that he's going to save the entire world. Don't worry, though. He's going to get plenty of reality checks before this book is done with him.