Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

So when the hunchback marched into the café everyone looked around at him and there was a quick outburst of talking and a drawing of corks. (Ballad.117)

"Drawing of corks" endures as a short hand for celebration. Though "popping bottles" is the more popular contemporary slang, it's close enough.

Quote #8

Cousin Lymon brought him liquor, for which he did not pay a cent. (Ballad.184)

One could argue that Lymon giving Miss Amelia's enemy her fine liquor was the first but not the least of many aggressive acts, since her whiskey is one of the few things we know Miss Amelia feels happy about.

Quote #9

A few weak characters, of course, were demoralized and got drunk—but they were not numerous. (Ballad.187)

To drink alone, after the rare snow, is apparently a no-no in this small town, where strange or bad or good events mean coming together to drink.