Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #10

There is no good liquor to be bought in the town; the nearest still is eight miles away, and the liquor is such that those who drink it grow warts on their livers the size of goobers, and dream themselves into a dangerous inward world. (Ballad.231)

Just as the fine clear liquor of Miss Amelia seemed to have a good effect on the town, the rot-gut liquor that remains isn't good for anyone at all.

Quote #11

She had been drinking something from a tumbler and as he entered she put the glass hurriedly on the floor behind the chair. In her attitude there was confusion and guilt which she tried to hide by a show of spurious vivacity. (Domestic.18)

The hiding of the glass signals that though Emily has a clear problem, she's still invested (if just for a moment) in keeping up appearances.

Quote #12

He encountered a latent coarseness in Emily, inconsistent with her natural simplicity. (Domestic.36)

Is Emily's sherry more like Miss Amelia's whiskey? Or is more like the latter-day rot-gut in its qualities?