Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #4

His large, pale ears seemed to grow on his head and stiffen. (Ballad.137)

Cousin Lymon's ears seem to be the most expressive and masculine part of his person, almost aggressive as he listens in.

Quote #5

He and the man stared at each other, and it was not the look of two strangers meeting for the first time and swiftly summing up each other. It was a peculiar stare they exchanged between them, like the look of two criminals who recognize each other. (Ballad.151)

Do you think they're recognizing each other, or simply recognizing that neither is a respectable man in the eyes of the town?

Quote #6

No one in the town, not even Miss Amelia, had any idea how old the hunchback was. Some maintained that when he came to town he was about twelve years old, still a child—others were certain that he was well past forty. (Ballad.207)

Because Cousin Lymon either doesn't know or refuses to tell his age, there are fewer expectations for him to behave the way the townsfolk believe a man should act: true or false?