Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mr. Brook was a somewhat pastel person [...] (Madame.3)

"Pastel" reminds us of Easter eggs, not testosterone.

Quote #8

His prim voice had risen higher and there was about it the sharp whine of hysteria. (Jockey.41)

When the jockey raises his voice an octave or two (closer to that of a woman's) the trainer, bookie and jockey seem to take him less seriously.

Quote #9

"Why don't I go up to my god-damn room and walk around and write some letters and go to bed like a good boy?" (Jockey.42)

Because the other men won't take the jockey seriously, he becomes closer to a boy than a man in their eyes, and the jockey can feel this happening.