Benito Cereno Weakness Quotes

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Quote #4

Briefly alluding to his weak condition, he urged his host to remain quietly where he was […] (81.267)

Cereno's weakness actually seems to motivate Delano to help him. That's a weird paradox.

Quote #5

Again Don Benito shrank, and this time, as the good sailor thought, from a genuine twinge of his conscience. (83.288)

The thing about weakness is that it makes the weak person something of a blank canvas: Delano can project whatever motivations he wants onto Cereno. 

Quote #6

Suddenly the old ague of coldness returned, and dropping back onto his cushions he was silent. (83.293)

Seems like a lot of Cereno's weak moments have to do with his mood swings. When he can't cope emotionally, he just hangs back on his cushions.